East Canyon Wastewater Treatment Plant
2909 Sackett Dr.
Park City, UT 84098
The purpose of this project was to address phosphorus discharge limits, odor control and improve the general aesthetics for the neighbors. Equalization was identified as the most efficient process to improve odor emissions and to enhance the biological phosphorus removal and reduce the cost of tertiary chemical phosphorus polishing facilities. This project consisted of a new chemical phosphorous building with tunnels stacked on top of hydraulic reservoir type basins over a 3 story area of total water retention. The Centrifuge was provided 18 months before final completion and the rest of the project was completed 5 months ahead of schedule.
Southwest Water Reclamation Facility
2610 St. Rose Parkway
Henderson, Nevada 89074
This is a “scalping” plant in that it treats wastewater upstream of the final treatment plant so that it can flow to water parks and golf courses. This new 8-mgd wastewater reclamation facility includes coars screening, a bioreactor system, UV disinfection facilities, blower facilities, air treatment, and an administration building. The plant utilizes a Zenon micro filtration system. EPCO acted as the mechanical, plumbing and equipment contractor.
Central Valley Egg Shaped Digesters
800 Central Valley Rd
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
This project was the first of its kind in Utah and one of only a select few in the United States. It included the construction of two new 1.65 million gallon (MG) steel, egg-shaped digesters that are 72 feet in diameter and 13 stories tall. Pilings were used for support due to unstable soils and high water table. 4,300 cubic yards of architectural and structural concrete were used. This structure is very unique in that it holds water out rather than in. Xypex was injected in the water stop as well an add mixture for hydraulic control.
Structures include: a support edifice that houses pumps, heat exchangers, and electrical and control equipment. Stainless steel piping was installed to catch methane from the top of the digesters to generate electricity. Also included was a new PVC-lined concrete sludge mixing tank with hydraulic mixing, a new raw sludge screen presses, feed equipment, instrumentation, and controls.
Cedar City Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility
7218 N 2300 W
Cedar City, UT 84720
The treatment facility is designed to treat flows from Cedar City, Enoch City and the surrounding Cedar Valley area. The facility provides secondary treatment of wastewater and delivers the treated effluent to a 2,000 acre land application site. The plant design incorporates the trickling filter process which provides biological treatment of the wastewater. Structures include: Concrete head works building with all associated equipment; four 70’ diameter 15’ high primary/final clarifiers and equipment; two 100’ diameter 23’ high concrete plastic media trickling filters; concrete chlorine contact basins, digester control building along with 52 foot diameter primary and secondary digesters that are 15’ tall concrete structures; 18 concrete sludge holding basins; chemical building and maintenance/administration buildings.
Santaquin City Water Reclamation Facility
5600 West Strawberry Canal Road
Santaquin, Utah 84655
The project consisted of a 1.3 MGD membrane bioreactor designed to treat the City of Santaquin’s wastewater flow to a level of reuse in the City’s pressurized irrigation system. It was constructed around GE membranes and utilizes a Trojan Open Channel Ultraviolet system for disinfection. Built during the Flatiron years, this project was delayed nearly one year due to local opposition. Special effort was made to reach out to area residents including attending public meetings. Value Engineering was utilized to keep the original project budget intact. The project was completed successfully and with happy citizens.